Determination of Nutritional value of Fat-hen processed with lime at different times using in situ technique.



This experiment was conducted by nylon bags method to determine the chemical composition and degradation characteristics of pasture plants Fat-hen.The sample was taken at three stages of plant growth(vegetative, flowering and seeding)in Gonabad during1392.The harvested Samples was ground after drying in the open air. Part of the Fat-hen plant samples was collected from flowering stage, Processed wit 4 percent lime for2, 4 and 8 day periods and its chemical composition was investigated. Two Fistulated cows were used to determine the amount of dry matter, protein and Neutral detergent insoluble Fiber plant and the rate of degradation of Samples was measured at the time periods of0,2,4, 8,16,24,48,72and96hours.The results showed Significant differences in the amount of content of the plant at different growth Stages(P
