Investigating Economic Value of Livestock Productions in Tradisional Animal Husbandry System Dependent on Rangelands (Case study: Summer Rangrlands of


Pasture-based livestock systems are managed based on traditionally systems and value added of this part of natural resources has been taken serously. According that rangelands by supplying some part of forage need for livestock, has an important role in livelihoods and household economies of pastoralists in response to their livlihood need in Hejar-Jarib Behshar. The necessary data collected from 56 beneficiary households and 3 villagers and flocks. Financial analysis of livestock husbandry activities, finatial balance livestock contains gross revenue, livestock costs, net income, livestock production and operation time of using rangeland forage has been studied and then total economic value of livestock production evaluated. Average daily net income in Sorkhgrive, Kolya and Paband etimated respectively 423300, 423170 and 476800 rial. Also forage production of the rangelands estimated 2756.5 per hectare. By considering necessary forage, it was found that there was lack of 142 kg forage per hactare that needs to import forage. So, the results showed that traditional animal husbandary income wich are only dependent to rangelands forage were not sufficient to the economic needs of range managers. Finally the effective factors on animal production has been analysed in the view of beneficiaries.
