Effect of Various Treatments on Germination and Growth of Poterium sanguisorba minor L.


Faculty member of Sari university


Since studying related to seeds germination is a key tool for protective planning and salvation of endangering species, it seems necessary to survey the effect of various treatments on germination of Poterium sanguisorba minor L. to protecting this species. For this, current research was carried out using SPSS software 19V in base of completely randomized design by 4 treatments. Treatments were included control (distilled water), soak treatments in distilled water at three level 24, 48, and 72, hot water with 70 oC in 10 and 15 minutes and seed scarification with needle and Sulphuric acid 95% during 10, 15 and 30 minutes. The result showed that the soak treatment during 48 hour was the most effective treatment in seed dormancy breaking of Poterium sanguisorba minor L. Also, the germination is achieved to 93.33% by this treatment which had increase to 43.33% compared with control. The results were also showed that the Sulphuric acid 98% and hot water 70 oC decreased the seed germination that was probably due to the damaging seed embryos by acid and hot water.
